Zion’s Family and Parent Resources

Below are two newsletters we provide our parents. For additional questions, please contact KerriAnn Schmid at KSchmid@zionbelleville.org.

Did you know God has called you to be the primary faith-teachers of your kids? That may sound daunting; but you are not alone! God is with you and He has given us each other for encouragement and support! Click on the link to find resources, fun activities, and relevant information to help raise faith focused children in today’s world.

As a parent, you have incredible influence in the life of your teen. We know it may often seem like they aren’t listening; but they are! You make a difference and have the largest impact on the life of your teen, including their spiritual life! Click on the link to find resources, fun activities, and relevant information to help raise faith focused children in today’s world.

Newsletter Archives

Last Month's Relevant Newsletter:

Last Month's Scoop Newsletter: