Zion’s Music Ministry will be presenting the Christmas portions and the Hallelujah Chorus from George Frederick Handel’s The Messiah on Sunday, December 17, at 3 pm. Please prayerfully consider joining us for this joyous event.
The music from Handel’s Messiah is more challenging, so we are beginning earlier with rehearsals. We will have “Messiah Wednesdays” beginning at 7 pm on October 4 and 18. During November and December, rehearsals will be every Wednesday at 7 pm or after the Advent services. All rehearsals will be in the church balcony. Adult Choir will also learn the music during rehearsals. Please consider joining the Adult Choir for the entire church year and singing for the 8 am services with rehearsals meeting on Thursdays at 7:30 pm in the balcony. Messiah and Adult Choir are open to individuals, 6th grade and older, who enjoy singing. If you have questions, please contact Dawn Tayon or the church office (618-233-2299).