Senior Pastor Installation
Sunday, November 20, 3 pm
Reception to follow in gym
We look forward to celebrating Pastor Spelbring’s installation as Zion’s next Senior Pastor! In the spirit of Pastor’s acceptance letter, delegation is the word of the day. We need you! Here’s how you can help to bless Pastor, his family, visiting Pastors & your Zion family:
1. JOIN US! Please RSVP by calling the church office (618-233-2299), responding on the website, signing up in the Narthex, completing the blue response form in your bulletin, or clicking here.
2. Volunteer alone or with a Zion group you’re involved in to bring food, help with serving, greeting, directing traffic…or any of our other opportunities to serve. The RSVP form also includes the opportunities to volunteer.
3. Let us borrow a fall tablecloth – any size will work – 60×110-120 covers a whole table, but we can overlap shorter ones.
4. Pray …with boundless gratefulness & for a day that honors God’s faithfulness to His people.